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Establishment and Maintenance of a List of CERs and ERUs


In phase 3 of the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) certain qualitative restrictions apply to the use of Certified Emission Reductions (CER) and Emission Reduction Units (ERU). The Union Registry and the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL) shall check which credits are eligible for use in the EU ETS and which are not.

The service contract aims to operationalize working procedures for the establishment and regular update of a list of CERs and ERUs that can be exchanged by operators in the EU ETS for allowances. The list will be published on the EUTL public website to inform operators, governments and the public about which credits can be exchanged for EU ETS allowances. It will also serve the Union registry central administrator to check the holding, transfer and exchange of credits through EUTL. The exchange of credits from projects other than those on the positive list will not be allowed. It is therefore important that the list is up-to-date.

The detailed tasks included:

  • Establish a complete list of CERs and ERUs (including PoAs) from projects registered before 2013 and of CERs from projects and PoAs in LDCs registered post-2012; 
  • Establish a list of CERs and ERUs from registered CDM and JI projects reducing emissions of HFC23 and adipic N20, and from tCERs and ICERS from land use; 
  • Establish a list of ERUs issued before 1 January 2013 in respect of projects in host Parties without new quantified emissions targets in place;
  • Ensure the regular update of the positive list.
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Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH, Türkenstrasse 9, 1092 Vienna, Austria

Establishment and Maintenance of a List of CERs and ERUs