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SalzburgMilch supports Climate Austria climate protection projects

23. September 2021
1 min. Reading time

The SalzburgMilch cheese dairy in Lamprechtshausen is becoming completely climate neutral. This means that an attempt is made to avoid or save as much CO2 as possible. Where emissions cannot be avoided, the principle of compensation takes effect. It is based on the idea that it is irrelevant for the climate at which point greenhouse gases are emitted or avoided. Therefore, emissions caused in one place can also be saved in a faraway place.

This is why SalzburgMilch supports three promising, high-quality climate protection projects of Climate Austria. The largest part is handled in Austria: 42% of the invested compensation volume goes to an agricultural company from Upper Austria that generates clean heat from biogas. The rest is divided between two international projects, one dedicated to forest and wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe, the other supporting efficient cook cookers in Rwanda.

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